Archaeology, Architecture and HBIM: new perspectives for the built heritage
The ‘Archaeology, Architecture and HBIM: new perspectives for the built heritage’ days are a continuation of the series of workshops and meetings organised since 2013 at the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme by (UAR3155) devoted to digital tools in archaeology and architecture.
They are designed to bring together the scientific community specializing in the archaeology of architecture and the geometric modelling of heritage buildings. Conceived as a forum for exchange, their aim is to enable specialists and researchers to present their innovative and exploratory work to archaeology professionals and those involved in heritage conservation and restoration, who are particularly interested in the technological development of digital tools and the new solutions for exploiting research data, which is essential to the study and heritage management of sites and monuments.
The themes chosen for the conference are
The integration of HBIM and digital models in the study and conservation of historic built heritage: challenges and opportunities
The impact of HBIM and 3D modelling on restoration projects: towards a new approach to heritage preservation
Synergy between archaeology, architecture and HBIM: from excavation to modelling for better heritage management
This theme focuses both on an interdisciplinary approach and on collaboration between archaeologists and architects in the use of HBIM or digital models to integrate archaeological data into building modelling. The aim will be to gain a better understanding of how these disciplines can reinforce each other to preserve and restore built heritage more accurately and effectively.
The document must include: surname/first name, e-mail address, status, institutional affiliation, title of the proposal and keywords (5 max.).
Proposals for contributions are expected by 15 April 2025 in the form of a summary of between 500 and 1000 characters maximum, with a title and an illustration.
They should be sent by email to the following address: